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Welcome to the Development Page for Unincorporated Communities
Within the First District.

Listed below by community or MAC jurisdiction, you will find information (locations/documents/maps/websites) on significant proposed and recently approved development projects within unincorporated areas of the First District. Only proposed projects with actual submitted applications are included in this list. Newest applications are generally listed at the top of each list.

Note that items listed as "Applications" have NOT been endorsed by Supervisor Jeffries, and he is legally not allowed to take a position on a specific project in advance of their hearing before the Board of Supervisors. Some of the listed projects were approved or had specific plans in place prior to Supervisor Jeffries taking office in 2013.  

Our office will update this page as information is provided to us by our Planning Department via applicant submissions and as hearings are scheduled.  Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions or comments about proposed developments within your community.

Lake Elsinor Advanced Pumping Systems LogoLake Elsinore Advanced Pumping System (LEAPS) 

FERC ApplicationTLMA LEAPS Comment Letter The Lake Elsinore Advanced Pumping System (LEAPS) being proposed by the Nevada Hydro Company includes two primary components: 1) The advanced pumping station, for which a dam would be built in the mountains above Lake Elsinore. At night, when energy costs are low, up to 10% of the volume of the lake would be pumped up the hill and into the reservoir, and during the day, when energy prices are high, the water would be released through a hydro-electric facility, generating power on its way back into the lake. That power would then be sold on the open market. 2) 32 miles of 500 kV transmission lines and 170 high-voltage steel towers, running from San Diego County across the Cleveland National Forest, into Temescal Valley, and through the RCA’s Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Areas.  Supervisor Jeffries and the Riverside County Board of Supervisors have officially sent a letter of opposition to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), who is solely responsible for ultimate approval or denial of the project, but they have decided to allow the project to move forward through the application process.  FERC has responded to the initial comments and required a series of additional studies to be done by Nevada Hydro. Nevada Hydro's project website is here:

More information about the project and reasons for opposition are on the We Are TV webpage here:


De Luz/La Cresta/Tenaja Areas

Application: PAR 210145, Diana Min Tu, applicant. Proposal to convert existing agricultural barn into a Class I Winery for wine production only. No tasting  room, customer tasting events, activities or tours proposed on site.  Located on 21.11 acres north of Hombre Lane, southeast of Via Herradura, and west of Avenida La Cresta. Case Information  Site Plan

Application: PAR 210141 Curtis Brownlow, applicant.  Proposes to permit an existing dwelling as a guest ranch, and permit the use of the property as an event facility.  Would add a gate for access onto Dos Rios Rd and add portable restroom facilities and parking area. Located on 10.79 acres north of De Luz Rd, south of El Calamar Rd, east of Buena Loma Rd, and west of Dos Rios Rd.  Case Information  Site Plan  Aerial Photo

Application: GPA 01193, TTM 37911 and TTM 37912, Oz Bratene, applicant.  GPA 01193 would change land use designation from Open Space: Rural (OS:RUR) to Rural Residential (R:RR).  TTM 37911 would subdivide on 57 acre parcel into 8 lots with minimum lot sizes of 5 acres.  TTM 37912 would subdivide two parcels totalling 44.44 acres into 7 lots with a minimum lot size of 5 acres. Properties are located north of St. Gallen Way, west of Calle de Lobo, south of Cleveland National Forest, and east of Calle de Campanero.  Case Info  TTM 37911 Map  TTM 37912 Map

Application:  PAR 200024, Nardi Associates, LLP, applicant.  Proposed conversion of an existing 4,442 sq ft residence with 7 bedrooms and 4.75 bathrooms to an 18 bed congregate care facility.  Located on 5.37 acres north of Camino de las Brisas, east of Corona Cala Camino, south of Calle Roble, west of Avocado Mesa Rd.  Case Information

Application:  CZ 1900042, DA 1900046, CUP 190055 Tierra Groves, c/o Jacob Woolsey, applicant.  Proposed Change of Zone from R-R to Light Agriculture (A-1-10) as part of proposed commercial cannabis cultivation facility with nine existing greenhouses and three 8 X 40 shipping containers.  Site also has five existing water tanks, an existing single story residential dwelling and an existing barn which would be reomoved.  Also proposes security fence and get, along with waste storage, restrooms, and nine employee parking spaces.  11.58 acres north of De Luz Rd, south of Los Gatos Rd, and west of Buena Loma Rd.  Case Information

PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING OCTOBER 20TH, 2021:  CUP 190038, DA 1900027  Fuego Farms LLC, applicant.  Proposal would construct a cannabis cultivation facility with one 4,800 sq ft bldg, twelve 1,800 sq ft mature canopy greenhouses, and six 3,240 sq ft vegetation greenhouses on 72.15 acres north of Carancho Rd, east of El Calamar Rd, and west of Deluz Rd.  Case Information

Application: Walker Basin/Cross Creek Golf Course: The GPIP (now GPA 1167) was approved by the BOS on 1-31-17 and allows the applicant to pursue a specific plan for approximately 100 estate residential lots and a small commercial area adjacent to the existing Cross Creek Golf Course. The first map: TTM 35617 was approved on 7/25/17 by the BOS. The second map: TTM 36549 is working through the environmental process. A third map will be submitted at some point and the Draft Specific Plan Document has not yet been released. Very complicated project but would replace the original Walker Hills project approved in 1984 for more than 1,600 units.
 Case Information



Good Hope & Meadowbrook (MAC)

Application: PAR 220059, Carlo Terzian, Engineer/Representative: Powell and Associates c/o Jamie Meese Leonard Fowler, applicant. Proposes recreational vehicle storage and parking with an office/caretaker's unit. Location: North of Ethanac Raod, Southeasterly of Highway 74, West of Taylor Road on 9.62 gross acres. Case Info Site Map

Application: PAR 220017, Gene Miller, Owner - Representative: Leonard Fowler, applicant. Proposes scheduled "H" subdivision of 10 acres into four (4) 2 1/2 acre parcels. Location: North of Claire Road. West of Penny Place, South of Hyatt Road on 9.28 acres. Case Info Site Map

Application: TPM 38102, Brenda Lagunes, Agent - Owner: Augstin Vasquez, applicant. Proposes a schedule "H" subdivision of one 5.1 gross acres parcel into 4 residential parcels ranging from 1.11 to 1.50 gross acres. Location: South of Ellis Avenue, East of Marie Street, North of State Highway 74, West of Sophie Street on a net of  5.1 acres. Case Info Site Map

Application: CUP 200051 (2nd Transmittal - May 27, 2022), PJ Properties Investment, LLC c/o Simerjeet Singh - Engineer/Representative: Empire Design Group, Inc. c/o Greg S. Hann, applicant. Proposes under Change on Zone No. 2000033 for a zone change from Residential Agricultural - 2 acre minimum (R-A-2) to Scenic Highway Commerical (C-P-S). Also proposes for CUP 200051 for a gas station with 12 fuel pump positions under a 4,089 sq/ft canopy drive-thru car wash. The project would provide 21 parking spaces, including 3 ADA, 2 EV and 6 covered vacuum parking spaces. Infiltration pits and a trash enclosure are included, surrounded by landscaping. Location: Northof Highway 74, East of Wesson Canyon Road, and West of Hammack Avenue on 2.59 gross acres. Case Info

PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING SEPTEMBER 22ND 2021: CUP 190014  "Good Hope Motocross"  Motorcycle Track proposal includes up to 7 motocross tracks, retail parts store, snack bar, garage, two pro race shops, viewing deck, administration bldg, motorcycle storage, associated parking, ticket booth, water basin, bike wash, and a bathroom and shower area.  Existing event hall, residence, and storage already on site.  Located on 90.56 acres north of Ethanac Rd, west of Hwy 74, and south of Olive Ave  Case Information  Site Plan

Application:  PAR 210030, Inland Boat Services, applicant.  Proposed 10,000 sq ft boat show and sales room with an open storage boat yard to the rear, on 4.75 acres north of Hwy 74, east of Betty Rd, south of Mountain Ave, west of Marie St.  Case Info  Site Plan

Application: PP 210014, PTI Sand & Gravel, applicant.  Proposes construction of a 66' X 100' engineered metal building, a concrete slab for storage containers, and a 3-sided open aggregate bunker on a concrete slab, on 15.36 acres northwest of Hwy 74, east of Haygood Way, south of Mermack Ave. Case Info  Site Plan 

Application: PAR 200058, Hamid Haque, applicant.  Propsoes 85.5 acre cemetery with on site mortuary, chapel, fraternity hall, caretaker residence and parking lot, north of Mauricio St, south of River Rd, east of Rober St, and west of the San Jacinto River.  Case Information

Application:  PAR 200038, Lula Elharar, applicant.  Proposes outdoor storage of used, operable and inoperable automobiles, trucks, and other vehicles for wholesale online auctions.  A prefabricated building consisting of accessory office, shipping and receiving area, and perimeter fencing will be installed, along with a customer parking lot.  On 126 acres located on site of Colinas Del Oro Specific Plan, east of Hwy 74, south of Ethanac Rd, north of Kimes Way. Case Information

Application: CUP 200018 TPM 37850,  Salmanco, LP, applicant.  Proposes seven building totaling 31,822 sq ft on 16.43 gross acres north of Hwy 74, south of 7th St, north of Ellis Ave, southeasterly of Clayton St.  Two buildings are for restaurants with drive-thrus, two retail buildings, one convenience store, and one drive-thru car wash.  Two fuel canopies proposed.  CUP would allow sales of beer and wine as a part of the convenience store/gas station.  Case Information  Site Plan

Application: PAR 19003 Pacific Hydrotech Headquarters, including 19,800 sq ft, two story office building, 13,000 sq ft warehouse bldg, and 3,840 sq ft storage bldg, plus 97 parking stalls on 3.29 acres north of Hwy 74 west of Hammack Ave and east of Crumpton St.  Case Information

Application:  PAR# 180052 Drive-Thru Car Wash with 16 stalls for self-service vacuuming, plus drive-thru/walk-up coffee shop restaurant on 1 acre lot east of Hwy 74, north of Richard St, west of Robert St.  Includes GPA from CD: VLDR to CD:CR and zone change from R-R to C-P-S. 
 Case Information (including site plan)


Application: CUP220034 Randy Allen - First Supervisorial District - Good Hope Area District - Mead Valley Area Plan - Community Development: Very Low Density Residential (CD: VLDR) - Location: north of State Highway 74, east of Theda Street, south of Mountain Avenue, and west of Sophie Street - gross acres 2.22 - Zoning Rural Residential (R-R) - REQUEST: Establish a 7,000 square foot warehouse facility for a trailer rental company. The building will serve as an office, storage, and flatbed trailer maintenance and repair facility. No engine work will be performed as part of maintenance and repairs. Conditional Use Permit will be associated along with a change of zone dependent upon The Highway 74 Community Plan seeks to change the current land use designation of Very Low Density Residential to Light Industrial. - APN: 342-120-048 - Project Planner: Jennifer Lopez at 951-955-3107 or email at [email protected] - BBID: 482-514-349       Case Information Site Plan

Application: PAR230033 Greg Shulkin - Engineer/Representative: Storm Entitlement Permitting Project Management, LLC., c/o Terry Strom - First Supervisorial District - Meadowbrook Zoning Area - Elsinore Area Plan - Good Hope/Meadowbrook Environmental justice Community - Very Low Density Residential (VLDR) - Location: east of River Road, South of Highway 74, north of Robert Street, and west of Richard Street - 3.29 & 6.40 Acres - Zoning: Rural Residential (R-R) - Pre-Application Review No. 230033 proposes for a future relocatable storage facility with storage units and trailer/boat parking - APN: 345-220-044, 345-220-088 - Project Planner: Blanca Bernardino at 951-955-6503 or email at [email protected] Case Information Site Plan

Application: PAR230073 1st Submittal - Applicant: Mervyn Flory - Engineer/Representative: Jonathan Zane - First Supervisorial District - Mead Valley Area Plan - General Plan Land Use Designation: Rural: Rural: (R:R); Rural: Rural Mountainous R:RM - Zoning; Rural-Residential (R-R) - Zoning District: Good Hope Zoning Area - Location: south of Sharp Road, east of Belita Drive, north of Magarth Street, and west of Read Street - REQUEST: a proposal for a Recreational Vehicle Park including an office, store, stables, and horse trails in two (2) parcels totaling 40-acres - Project Planner: Alexander Opulencia at 951-955-0972 or email at [email protected] Case Information Site Plan

Application: PAR 230100 Submittal 1 Preliminary Application Review No. 230100 - Applicant: Alexander Valencia - First District Supervisor - Good Hope Zoning Area - Mead Valley Area Plan - Very Low Density Residential (RC-VLDR) - 2.35 Acres - Location: southeast of Theda Street, west of Highway 74, - Zoning: General Commercial (C-1/C-P) - REQUEST: Proposal for a feed and grain business. APN: 345-080-041 Project Planner: Joseluis Aparicio, 951-955-6035 or [email protected]. Case Information Exhibit A

Application: TPM38623 & CUP230002 Hami Haque - Engineer/Representative: Hunsaker & Associates, c/o Mohammed Rowther & Robert Glessner - First Supervisorial District - Elsinore Area Plan - Rural Community - Very Low Density Residential (RC-VLDR) & Rural: Rural Mountainous (R:RM) - Location: north of Mauricio Street, east of Robert Street, and south of River Road - 84.99 gross acres - Zoning: Rural Residential (R-R) - Environmental Justice Community: Good Hope/Meadowbrook - REQUEST: Tentative Parcel Map No. 38623 is a request to merge 21 parcels encompassing 84.99 acres into 5 lots totaling 9.19 acres, 6.82 acres, 3.97 acres, and 2.16 acres, respectively. Conditional Use Permit No. 230002 is a proposal for the construction of a cemetery (27 acres of gravesite), a 5,600 square foot mortuary, a 10,700 square foot chapel, a 2,000 square foot equipment shed, and a 1,500 square foot caretaker manager residence. Funeral services are anticipated to occur up to 15 times a month, with approximately 150 to 180 attendees at each service. 152 total proposed parking spaces are proposed to serve all on-site uses. Additional parking will be provided along the backbone roads throughout the cemetery where the right of way will be wide enough for either parking on both sides of the private road or on one side and provide two travel lanes, one lane in each direction, for emergency vehicle access. - APNs: 348-180-002, -003, -004, -005, -006, -007, -008, -009, -010, -011, -012, -013, -016, -017, -019, -020, -035 - Project Planner: Kathleen Mitchell at 951-955-6836 or email at [email protected] - BBID: 065-888-348 Case Information Site Plan


Application: TPM38731 Greer's Contracting & Concrete Inc. c/o John Greer - Engineer/Representative: RAW Civil Design c/o Ryan Walker - First Supervisorial District - Meadowbrook Zoning Area - Elsinore Area Plan - Community Development: Very Low Density Residential (VLDR) - 7.08 Acres - Location: north of Garfield Road, south of Wallace Avenue, east of Jarvis Street, and west of Botany Drive - Zoning: Rural Residential (R-R) - REQUEST: Tentative Parcel Map for Schedule "H" subdivision of 7.08 acre parcel into four residential parcels ranging from 1.00 gross acres to 4.00 gross acres. APN: 349-170-001 - Project Planner: Blanca Bernardino at 951-955-6503 or [email protected] - BBID: 623-260-749 Case Information Site Plan

Application - PAR240026 Applicant: Pacific West Home Solutions LLC- First Supervisorial District ­Meadowbrook Zoning Area - Elsinore Area Plan - Mixed Use Area (MUA) - 3.15 Acres - Location: West of Highway 74, South of River Road, Easterly of River Road, North of Mazie Avenue, - Zoning: Rural Residential (R-R) - REQUEST: Proposal to entitle an existing scrap recycling facility. The building on site consist of a 9,900 square foot warehouse building with a break room, office and restrooms, and a 10,000 sf covered canopy structure. APN: 345-220-087 - Project Planner: Joseluis Aparicio, 951-955-6035 or [email protected]  - Case Information & Site Plan



Application:  PAR 230054 Robert Quintero, Engineer: Michael Ackerman, Ackerman Associates 200 Inc, applicant. Proposes  for a subdivision of a 1.6 acre lot into five separate lots. Lot 1 is proposed as 13,920.55 square feet, Lot 2 is proposed as 12,923.71 square feet, Lot 3 is proposed as 13,926 square feet, Lot 4 is proposed as 13,929 square feet and Lot 5 is proposed as 14,137 square feet. Location: north of Center street,  south of Main Street, east of Carlin Lane and west of Oriole Ave on 1.6 acres. Case Info Site Plan

Application: PPT230001 Mayra Varela - Engineer; Jack Lanphere - First Supervisorial District - Highgrove Area Plan - Community Development: Light Industrial (CD:LI) (0.25-0.60 FAR) - Location: east of Prospect Ave, north of Center Street - 1.77 gross acres - Zoning: Manufacturing - Service Commercial (M-SC) - REQUEST: The owner is proposing to merge the three parcels and use the property to take in wood pallets for temporary storage, refurbishment and recycling purposes. There are currently two structures to be used for operation: one story 9,600 sf warehouse and one story 1,645 sf office. There is also an existing cellular tower to remain on site. APN: 247-063-019. 247-063-013, 247-063-002 - Project Planner: Jennifer Lopez at 951-955-3107 or email at [email protected] - BBID: 369-379-933 Case Information Site Plan

Application: PPT230018 Gregory Black - Engineer: Arthur W. Strickler - First Supervisorial District - University District - Highgrove Area Plan - Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD: CR) - Location: north of Center Street, east of Iowa Avenue, south of Main Street, and west of Pacific Avenue - Gross acres 0.39 - Zoning General Commercial (C-1 & C-P) - REQUEST: Convert an existing 2,114 square feet commercial building and 487 square feet detached garage into a funeral home/mortuary - APN: 247-043-007 - Project Planner: Jennifer Lopez at 951-955-3107 or email at [email protected] Case Information Site Plan

Application: PPT230036 Michelle Gonzalez, Paragon Institute of Innovations - First Supervisorial District - University District - Community Development Zoning: Scenic Highway Commercial (C-P-S) - General Plan: Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD:CR) - Sphere of Influence: Riverside - Location: The property is located on two parcels totaling 0.35-acres at 250 Iowa Avenue, approximately 160 foot north of Center Street and approximately 800 foot east of Hwy 60 - REQUEST: The applicant is proposing a two phase project to establish and office with trading school. Phase I includes the demolition of an existing 5,412 square-foot building located on the east side of the property, removal of existing asphalt, the renovation of an existing 1,845 square-foot office building with a 222 square foot detached building to the east side of the property. The site improvements will include fencing, ingress and egress access, parking, landscape fence and gate. APNs: 247-042-018, 247-042-019 - Project Planner: Haide Aguirre at 951-955-1006 or [email protected]  Case Information Site Plan


Application: TTM37743, PPT200017, GPA190009 Highgrove Inv. LLC., Steven Berzansky -  Engineer/Representative: B & W Consulting Engineering Inc., Andrew Woodard - First Supervisorial District - University Zoning District - Highgrove Area Plan: Community Development: Medium Density Residential (CD:MDR); Highgrove Community Policy Area - Location: north of Center Street, south of Teresa Street, east of Mt. Vernon Avenue, and west of Carlin Lane - 9.17 Gross Acres - Zoning: One-Family Dwelling (R-1) - REQUEST: GPA190009 is a request to amend the land use designation from CD:MDR to CD:HDR (9.17 acres) of TTM37743. TTM37743 is a request for Schedule "A" subdivision that includes the subdivision of 9.17 gross acres into 72 lot subdivision with private streets and parks, owned and maintained by the HOA. PPT2700017 is a proposal  for the site design and development oft he residential portion of the Project site with construction of 72 single family residences. APN: 255-150-001. - District 1 [$0] Case Information Site Plan


Lake Mathews & La Sierra Areas

Map of Approved Residential Tracts: There are a number of residential tracts that have been approved in the Lake Mathews and La Sierra Areas, the overwhelming majority of which were voted for prior to Supervisor Jeffries' taking office in 2013. We asked TLMA to put together a map showing all of the current tract maps in this area as of Spring 2018, with built out tracts marked in green, partially built tracts in yellow, and mostly unbuilt tracts in red. Each tract is listed with the tract or specific plan number, the year it was approved, and the number of units constructed out of the total number of units approved.
 You can view the map at this link here.

Application:  PAR 220055 Mitch Adkison - Representative: Adkan Engineers, applicant. Proposes a preliminary application review for the subdivision of 95.96 acres into 178 single-family residential lots, 4 open space and drainage lots, and one remainder parcel. Location: North of El Sobrante Road, East of McAlister Street, South of Travertine Drive. Case Info Site Plan

Application:  PAR 220039 Best Box Storage c/o Beau Reinberg - Engineer/representative, applicant. proposes a storage facility comprised of three (3) storage buildings, and office space totatllaing approximately 21,7000 sq/ft. Forty - Four (44) storage units measruing 12'X30' and 12'X40' sq/ft. Location: North of El Sobrante Road, South of Blackburn Road, East of La Sierra Avenue, West of Orangewood Road on 8.17 gross acres. Case Info Site Plan

Application: PAR 220023 Roger Hobbs - Representative/Engineer: Richard Reaves, applicant. Proposes the subdivision of 39.51 acres into 46 residential lots ranging in size from 15,000 to 42,135 sq/ft. Four open spaces lots are also proposed for water quality and preservation purposews. Location: North-East corner of McAllister Street & Citrus Heights Drive. Case Info Site Plan

Application:  PAR 190074 Sam Chebeir, applicant.  A single-story 4,900 sq ft agricultural bldg, produce stand and planting of agricultural groves on 35,76 total acres north of Cajalco Rd, south of Tin Mine Rd, east of Temescal Canyon Rd, and west of La Sierra Ave.  Case Information

Application:  TTM 37686, GPA 190018, CZ 1900049 New Tech, Inc., applicant.  10 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,284 sq ft and a maximum lot size of 10,404 sq ft on 2.26 acres north of Victoria Ave, east of Lyon Ave, south of Middleborough Rd, and west of Wildcat Lane.  GPA would change use from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential.  Case Information

Application: PAR 190015 Subdivision of 19.75 acres into 36 half acre lots north of Camino Martinez, south of Cajalco Rd, east of Gustin Rd, and west of Extravaganza Lane. Current zoning is R-A-1
 Case Information

Application: PAR01555 Lake Mathews/Woodcrest Area Plan - 27 one acre minimum residential lots on 36 acres north of Cajalco Rd and east of La Sierra Ave. Applicant: Sam Chebeir -
 Case Information: PAR Application & Exhibit A

Approved in 2009: Lake Mathews Square--Gas Station, Restaurant, and market northwest corner of Cajalco and Gustin:
 Lake Mathews Square Plot Plan


Lakeland Village (CAC)

PASSED BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, JUNE 30 2020: LAKELAND VILLAGE COMMUNITY PLAN: GPA No. 1208 consists of General Plan Land Use Designation and policy updates, generally within the Lakeland Village Policy Area (LVPA), including General Plan Foundation Component changes. This amendment proposes to revise the existing LVPA section of the Elsinore Area Plan to update descriptions, revised existing policy, add new policy, and create Neighborhood planning areas with specific policy that, together with proposed land use changes, can provide direction for the orderly development of the Lakeland Village community, which may include appropriate land use, infrastructure, services, design and character. DETAILS ON PROPOSAL

Application: PAR 220099, Trac Pham, applicant. Proposes a 31-unit townhome multifamily residential project with an attached two-car garage per unit and additional parking and landscaping throughout. Location:South side of Grand Avenue, approximately 400 feet southeast of Blanche Drive on 1.95 acres. Case Info Site Info

Application: Change of Zone 2200061, Peter Qian, applicant. Proposes a change of zone No. 2200061, Tentative Parcel map No. 38506 and Special Multi Family Development No. 220001 for a 216 multifamily aprtment project with a leasing office, recreation center, pool, spa, tot lot, open space, landscaping, attached two-car garage per unit as well as additional parking throughout and a water retention basin across the street on the north side of Grand Avenue.The project also propsed a change of zone for the parcel located south of Grand Ave. Location: South side of Grand, approximately 150 feet norhwest of Adelfa Street on 12.1 Acre site. Case Info Site Plan

Application: CUP 220013, Ruth Mumford - Represative Allison Margolin, applicant. Proposes to construct a two-story, 1,017 sq. ft. structure to operate as a Commercial Cannabis Microbusiness. The current project scope includes cultivation, distribution, manufacturing, and retail, and is proposed to operate between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. The first floor layout would consist of 500 sq. ft. of distribution and 500 sq. ft. of delivery. The Second-floor layout would consist of 700 sq. ft. of cultivation and 300 sq. ft. of manufactoring. Located on 0.19 acreas, north of Raley Avenue, east of Baldwin, south of Grand Avenue, and west of Walls Street. Case Info Site Plan

Application: PUP 220001 Kendra Carney Mehr, Carney Mehr A Legal Corporation - Owner: erica Davis, hitching Post Ministries, applicant. Proposes a permit to allow the applicant to continue to operate the hitching Post Ministries at 35130 Loma Road, lake Elsinore, California 92530. Location: North of Calle Grade, West of Calle Grande, South of Rodeo Road, East of Loma Road on 2.36 gross acres. Case Info Site Plan

Application: TTM 38353, Armando DuPoint - Agent Bob Steffen, Calvada Surveying - Hector Salinas, Owner, applicant. Proposes a schedule "D" subdivision of two parcels totaling 28.22 gross acres into 5 lots ranging from 5.0 to 8.22 gross acres. Location South of N Main Divide Road, East of Orange County Border, North of Strate Highway 74, West of N Main Divide Road on 28.22 gross acres. Case Info Site Plan

Application: PAR 210038, Norman Yousif, applicant.  Proposes a commercial cannabis retail facility by converting an existing 1,909 sq ft residential dwelling into a 2.324 sq ft retail storefront that includes an entry area, office, storage, and delivery area, as well as 19 parking spaces.  Project would also remove a water tank and add landscaping.  Located at 16755 Grand Ave, on the southwest corner of Grand Ave and Olive St.  Case Info  Site Plan

Application: CUP 210013, Keith Gardner and Michael Clark, applicants.  Would re-approve an expired CUP for a self-storage facility on the site and demolish and rebuild the existing office building with two restrooms.  Located on 2 acres north of Riverside Dr, east of Tempe St, south of Grand Ave, west of Lake Terrace Dr. Case Info  Site Plan

PASSED BOS 5-18-21--Application:  CUP 200027 and DA 2000012, Inland Empire Consulting Company, applicant.  "Empire Gardens", Proposes a Cannabis Micro Business Facility with indoor cultivation, distribution, and retail sales within an existing shopping center north of Grand Ave, west of Corydon Rd, south of Union St, and east of Gill Lane.  Indoor cultivation area consists of 5,408 sq ft, distribution area is 520 sq ft, and retai sales area is 2,325 sq ft.  Would also include reception area, security room, offices, vaults, storage, quarantined product room, a breakroom, and restrooms.  Case Information

Application: PPT 200013, Kim Caldwell, Applicant.  Proposes an outside pallet storage yard with three existing buildings on site, and 11 pallet storage areas located on site.  Also proposes a recycling center with an existing building on site.  Includes 22 parking spaces for customers and employees.  Project is located on 5.2 acres north of Vail St, south of Turner St, east of Brightman Ave, and west of Grand Ave.  Case Information

Application (possibly inactive):  PAR 190062, Robert Liu, Applicant.  Proposed new apartment complex consisting of four buildings, 2-3 stories tall, with enclosed garage at ground level, totalling 68 units. Located on 5 acre parcel north of Grand Ave, east of Magdaleno Ct, south of Golondrina St, and west of Machado St. Would require zone change from R-1 to R-3.  Case Information

BOS HEARING TENTATIVELY IN OCTOBER  Application:  CUP 190036, DA 1900024 Raquel Origel, Applicant. "Nibble This"  Proposed retail cannabis business in a renovated storefront in an existing building on 1.34 acres north of Akley St, east of Evergreen Street, south of Grand Ave, and west of Adelfa Street. Case Information  Presentation Given at Community Mtg August 26th 2020

APPROVED BY BOS 1-12-21:  CUP 190013, DA 1900008  Michael Lee, Applicant.  Proposed retail cannabis business in existing building (PK's Roadhouse) with existing parking on the south side of Grand Ave, west of Hwy 74, and east of Riverside Drive.   Case Information

Application:  PP 190023--Business Commerce Center by University Housing Partners.  Center proposes one 11,137 sq ft industrial office building with 1,000 sq ft caretaker's unit, a shared building with 3,072 sq ft industrial office space and 4,393 sq ft self-storage facility, a 4,714 sq ft self-storage building, and a 5,315 sq ft self storage building, as well as covered and uncovered RV storage facility on a total of 4.14 acres north of Hwy 74, east of Crater Dr, and west of Trellis Lane, with access from Crater Drive.   Case Information 

Passed Board of Supervisors 5-0 on 9-22-20  Application: PAR 190006--Dollar General Store. 9,100 sq ft retail store with parking on 1.27 acres on the southwest corner of Grand Ave and Blanche Drive.  Case Information

Application: Conditional Use Permit No. 3776 - 72 unit mobile home community with attached garages and other amenities on 10 acres north of Grand and west of Corydon. Applicant: Rowland Development - Case Information Site Plan

PASSED PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING MAY 6th, 2021 TR37531/CZ180015 "Home Sweet Home", 48 multi-family housing units on 7 acres, north side of Grand Ave, between Blackwell and Lilian.   Case Information


Mead Valley (MAC)

Map of Approved Residential Tracts:  There are a number of residential tracts that have been approved in the Lake Mathews and Mead Valley areas, the overwhelming majority of which were voted for prior to Supervisor Jeffries' taking office in 2013.  We asked TLMA to put together a map showing all of the current tract maps in this area as of Spring 2018, with built out tracts marked in green, partially built tracts in yellow, and mostly unbuilt tracts in red.  Each tract is listed with the tract or specific plan number, the year it was approved, and the number of units constructed out of the total number of units approved.
 You can view the map at this link here.

Application: PPT 220002m BCIF Harvil Business Cneter LP, applicant. Proposes to develop approximately 20.08 acres of land with up to approximately 434,823 sq/ft of warehouse and office space ("Project"). The Project will include the contruction of associated parking, landscaping, signage, and utility improvements to serve the site. The project is a speculative building, the business plan including number of employees and hours of operation is forthcoming. Location: approximately 1.2 miles northwest of the closest I-215 onramp.offramp at Nuevo Road (Exit 19) and inbetween Water Street and Orange Avenue. Case Info and Site Map

Application: 220026,  Larry D. Cochrun, LDC Industrial Realty LLC. - Engineer: Connie Anderson, T&B Planning, Inc. proposes the contruction of a 100,190 sq/ft warehouse/logistics building, comprised of 94,190 sq/ft of warehouse and 6,00 sq/ft of office space. Eleven (11) dock doors will be provided along the south side of the building. Location: East of Patterson Avenue, West of Harvill Avenue, South of Cajalco Road, and North of Rider Street, on 4.56 gross acres. Case Info Site Plan

Application: 220025, Joseph Kim, applicant. Proposes a 194,479 sg ft concrete tilt-up industrial warehouse building with office space included. This project proposes 3 different access points, 109 parking spaces, 25 truck parking stalls, 25 dock bay doors. Located on 8.72 acres north of Walter Avenue, south of Placentia Avenue, east of Tobacco Road, and west of Harvill Avenue. Case Info Site Plan

Application: 220024, Robert Close - Engineer: SDH & Associates, Steve Sommers, applicant. Proposes the construction of a 99,968 sq. ft. warehouse building with 8,000 sq. ft. of office space for the total sq. ft. of 107, 968 sq. ft. Nineteen (19) dock doors are proposed, 82 parking spaces will be provided and access is proposed from Patterson Avenue. The Maximum height of the building is proposed at 37 foot and will be comprised of concrete tilt-up construction. Located on 5.26 gross acres north of Rider Street, south of Cajalco Road, East of Seaton Avenue, and West of Patterson Avenue. Case Info Site Plan

Application: PAR 220024: Hillwood - Representative Albert A Webb Associatets, applicant. This preliminary application review requests the development of a 1,000,710 sq ft warehouse/distribution/manufacturing building and two soccer fields with restroom concession with sepearte parking areas. Located on 49.5 acres south of Cajalco Road, west of Seaton Avenue, East of Decker Road, north of Rider Street. Case Info Site Plan

Application: 220021: Jamall Ragland, Kimley Horn, applicant. Proposes the development of 5 industrail buildings. The buildings will range in size from 37,500 sq ft to 60,500 sq ft for a total square footage of 245,000 square feet. Located on 12.19 acre, east of Decker Road, west of Beck Street, south of Redwood Drive, and North of Markham Street. Case Info Site Plan 

Application: 220008, Majestic Business Center - Engineer/Representative: T&B Planning, Inc., applicant. Propose for the construction and operation of a total of 307,616 sq ft warehouse/distribution/manufacturing development. Located on 17.60 acres westerly of Harvill Avenue, north of Martin Street, south of Perry Street, east of Seaton Avenue. Case Info Site Plan More Details

Application: PPT 220001 (2nd Transmittal May 18, 2022), Peter Schafer - Engineer: EPD Solutions, Michael Brown, applicant. Proposes the construction of a 96,270 sq/ft warehouse building with 3,500 sq/ft of office space for a total sq/ft of 99,770 sq/ft. Maximum height of the building is proposed at 42'6" and will be comprised of concrete titl-up construction. The project site will include a total of 80 parking spaces. In addition, 118 truck trailer parking spaces will be provided. As proposed the project site would include three future driveways, one from Harvill Avenue and two from Cajalco Road. Location: North of Cajalco Road, South of Dree Circle, East of Harvill Avenue, and West of Interstate 215 on 9.13 gross acres. Case Info Site Plan

Application: 210157, Michael Brown, applicant. Proposes 91,580 sq ft warehouse bldg with 8,000 sq ft of office space for a total of 99,580 sq ft.  Includes three driveways, one from Harvill Ave and two from Cajalco Rd. Provides 99 parking spaces plub 133 trailer parking stalls.  Located on 9.13 acres north of Cajalco Rd, south of Dree Circle, east of Harvill Ave, and west of I-215.  Case Info   Project Description

Application: CZ 2100120, PP 210133, Phelan Development Company LLC, applicant.  Proposes changing zone from A-1-1, R-R-1, and R-A-1 to M-SC, and constructing a 365,046 sq ft industrial bldg, including 10,000 sq ft of office use.  244 parking spaces provided.  Located on 17.5 acres north of Rider St, south of Cajalco Rd, east of Seaton Ave, and west of Patterson Ave, with access provided from Cajalco Rd and Seaton Ave. Had a Fourth Case Transmittal Submitted on May 17, 2022 4th Case Transmittal  Case Info  Site Plan

Application: CUP 18008, Applicant Sameh Ibrahim. Proposes a neighborhood shopping center with service station, mini mart with drive through and a restaurant with drive through and/or single or multi-tenant uses.  Proposed structures will comprise approximately 9,115 sq ft and 81 parking spaces.  Located on 2.15 acres north of Elmwood St, south of Cajalco Rd, east of Haines St, and west of Clark St.. Access to be take from Cajalco Rd and Clark St.  Case Info Site Plan  Elevations

Application: TPM 38172 PP 210130, Neal Holdridge, applicant.  Merges five parcels into one lot and the construction of a 239,208 sq ft industrial building with 5,000 sq ft of office space.  Inclues 31 dock doors on the south side of the warehouse, with a total of 98 parking spaces for employees and 40 trailer parking spaces.  Access to be provided from three new driveways, one off Harley Knox Blvd and two off Rowland Lane.  Located on 15.2 acres north of Old Oleander Ave, south of Harley Knox Blvd, east of Decker Rd, and west of Harvill Ave.  Part of the Majestic Freeway Business Center Specific Plan passed in 2008.  Case Info  Site Plan and Elevations

Application: PUP 210002, Birkin Construction, applicant.  Would construct a temple facility totaling 53,466 sq ft, consisting of a 4,566 sq ft exhibition bldg with reception area and restrooms, a 5,448 sq ft main prayer hall, two story 11,918 sq ft auditorium, two 2,298 sq ft meeting room buildings, 3,515 sq ft office building, 9,792 sq ft Sunday School bldg 8,011 sq ft dining hall with kitchen and laundry room, 1,584 sq ft library building, an a3,216 sq ft building with 6 bedrooms and a kitchen.  Project would include 248 parking spaces.  Eastern portion of project site would be conserved.  Located on 30 acres north of Markham St, south of Landin Lane, east of Cole Ave, and west of Barton St.  Case Info  Site Plan  Building Elevations

Application: PAR 210035, Peter Schafer, applicant. Proposes a 438,000 sq ft industrial warehouse building on 20.75 acres east of Tobacco Rd, west of Harvill Ave, south of Water St, and north of Orange Ave.  Case Info  Site Plan

Application: CUP 3370, Revision 2.  Clean Energy, applicant.  Proposes removing an existing entitlement for drive through restaurants, and replacing it with private parking for Clean Energy's fleet vehicles.  Would include 133 parking spaces with CNG/RNG fueling stations and 84 standard parking spaces for employees and drivers of fleet vehicles.  Fleet vehicle area would be gated for private use. Located on 11.5 acres on the southeast corner of Cajalco Rd/Ramona Expressway and Harvill Ave.  Case Info  Site Plan

Application:  PAR 210019, Groundswell Pacific Land, applicant.  Proposes 292,800 sq ft warehouse/distribution/manufacturing building with 164 parking spaces and 53 truck trailer parking spaces in loading dock, on 14.5 acres north of Money Lane, east of Vista Del Largo, west of Patterson Ave, and south of Walnut St.  Would require a foundational GPA and CZ if final application is submitted.  Case Info  Site Plan

Application:  PP 210022, TPM 38147, Benjamin Horning, applicant.  Proposes two 49,470 sq ft warehouse buildings, each with 2,500 sq ft of office space, 16 loading docks, a truck trailer parking yard, and a parking lot.  Located on 10 acres north of Perry St, south of Markham St, east of Beck St, and west of Seaton Ave.  Case Info Project Description

Application: PP 210021 Michael Johnson, applicant.  Propsoes a trailer storage and maintenance facility consisting of a 16,200 sq ft metal sided bldg with 13,800 sq ft for light truck maintenance and 1,200 sq ft of office space on the first floor, and 1,200 sq ft of office space on the second floor.  There will also be storage space for 145 trailers.  Project is located on 7.75 acres north of Orange Ave, south of Water Ave, east of Tobacco Rd, and west of Harvill Ave.  Case Information  Site Plan 

Application: PAR 210007, Phelan Development Co LLC, applicant. Proposes 365,046 sq ft industrial building with 10,000 sq ft of ancillary office space built as a concrete tilt-up ranging from 34-44 ft in height, with 221 parking spaces.  Located on 17.5 acres north of Rider St, south of Cajalco Rd, east of Seaton Ave, and west of Patterson Ave, with access from Cajalco Rd and Seaton Ave.  Case Info  Site Plan

Application: PAR 200057 Neal Holdridge, Applicant.  Proposes 243,360 sq ft high cube spec industrial building with 5,000 sq ft of ancillary office space and 32 dock doors on the south side of the building, with 141 parking spaces and 51 trailer spaces to be screened from public view.  Located on 15.2 acres north of Old Oleander Ave, south of Harley Knox Blvd, east of Decker Rd, and west of Harvill Ave, with access from Harley Knox Blvd and Decker Rd.  Case Info  Site Plan

Application:  PAR 200054 Bob Kubichek, applicant.  Proposes a tractor trailer storage and maintenance facility, including 193 trailer stalls, 30 vehicle parking spaces, and a 15,000 sq ft light truck maintenance bldg (including 2,000 sq ft of office space) on 7.75 acres north of Orange Ave, south of Water Ave, east of Tobacco Rd, and west of Harvill Ave.  Case Information   

Passed BOS Hearing February 2021:  CUP 200031, Cannabis 21+, applicant.  Proposed commercial cannabis facility, including sales and distribution.  Would occupy 4,646 sq ft of Bldg D of an approved retail center (PP 25699).  Project will include 1 ADA and 23 other parking spaces, north of Cajalco Expressway, south of Messenia Lane, east of Harvill Ave, and west of I-215. Case Information

Application:  PAR 200044, Patricia Lamas, applicant.  Proposes an indoor cannabis cultivation facility to be located within an existing 2,664 sq ft building on 2.18 acres, north of Arruda Ct, east of Alexander St, south of Martin St, and west of Mead St. Case Information

Application: CUP 200017, Pravin Shukla, applicant.  Proposes a new plaza consisting of a 2 story mixed use commercial building with a liquor, kitchen, and gerneral retail use on the ground floor and three office suites on the second floor, plus associated parking.  Located on .73 acres north of Cajalco Rd, east of Mead St., south of Wells St, and west of Brown St.  Case Information

Application:  PAR 200006, Fayres Hall, applicant.  Proposes construction of a shopping center which would include a 9,286 sq ft commercial building, 1,487 sq ft car wash, 4,011 sq ft convenience store, 932 sq ft canopy for diesel fuel, 5,162 sq ft canopy for gas pumps, and two drive-thru restaurants (1,643 sq ft and 3,73 sq ft) on 3.2 acres north of Elmwood St, south of Cajalco Rd, east of Clark St, and west of Carroll St.  Case Information

Passed BOS Hearing 5-0  July 14th 2020:  TPM 37537 and CUP 3775, Cajalco Square, applicants.  Proposes a commercial retail center including 3,200 sq ft drive through restaurant, 19,097 sq ft retail store, 4,395 sq ft gas station with 8 pump stations, 3,800 sq ft convenience store, 2,080 sq ft drive through car wash, and 8,586 sq ft multi-tenant retail building.  Convenience store would include beer and wine sales.  249 parking spaces.  9.79 acre property north of Cajalco Rd, east of Wood Rd, and south of Carpinus Rd.  Complete Case Information 

Application:  PAR 200002 Conor Commercial Real Estate, applicant.  438,000 sq ft industrial building on 20.75 acres east of Tobacco Rd, west of Harvill Ave, south of Water St, and north of Orange Ave.  Case Information

BOS HEARING OCTOBER 5TH, 2021  Application:  PP 190039  Duke Realty, applicant.  Plot Plan for 310,995 sq ft warehouse/distribution facility on 15 acres on the northest corner of Harvill Ave and Rider St.  Case Information

Application:  PAR 190075  Phelan Development Company, LLC, applicant.  Proposal for 162,200 sq ft industrial bldg including warehouse and office space, with 110 off street parking spaces and landscaping on 8 acres east of Seaton Ave, west of Patterson Ave, south of Cajalco Expressway, and north of Rider St.  Case Information

Application:  PAR 190068 Newcastle Partners, Inc, applicant.  Proposal for two industrial buildings of 182,255 sq ft and 227, 538 sq ft, with each bldg containing 10,000 sq ft of office space, and 9 acres of open space as a buffer from the residential tract to the west of the site, on a 34 acre parcel west of Patterson Ave, south of Rider St, north of Walnut St, and east of Swallow Hill Circle.  Case Information 

PASSED BOS HEARING JUNE 8th:  PP 190032 DP Harvill, LLC, applicant. Proposal for 53,275 sq ft truck terminal with parking for 161 truck trailers, 44 standard parking spaces, and three water quality management basins, on 11.15 acres north of Rider Street, south of Cajalco Road, east of Patterson Avenue, and west of Harvill Avenue.  Case Information 

Application:  PAR 190037  Benjamin Horning, Applicant.  55,700 sq ft warehouse with 96 dock doors and 171 trailer parking spaces on 11,43 acres north of Rider St, south of Morgan St, east of Harvill Ave, and west of Patterson Ave.
 Case Information

Application:  PAR 190036  SKC Company.  45,000 sq ft warehouse on 4.29 acres north of Martin St, east of Seaton Ave, west of Harvill Ave, south of Perry St.
 Case Information

Application:   PAR 190033  Core 5 Industrial Partners. 202,890 sq ft industrial building with office space, 163 parking spaces, and landscaping on 11 acres east of Harvill Ave, west of Frontage Rd, south of Orange Ave, and north of Daytona Cove. Also includes direct access from three interior drive aisles into neighboring industrial complex.
 Case Information

Application::  Plot Plan 26165  Convenience store with Hay and Feed Sales with 16 parking spaces on 1.11 acre lot south of Cajalco Rd, east of Clark St, west of Carroll St, and north of Elmwood St.
 Case Information

Passed Planning Commission Hearing December 16th, BOS Hearing Soon:  Plot Plan 190011 Sares Regis Group Perris, Two industrial buildings on two parcels, a 363,000 sq ft warehouse with 247 parking spaces plus 60 truck parking stalls on 18.5 acres, and a 347,000 sq ft warehouse with 224 parking spaces and 51 truck parking stalls on 17 acres.  Two other parcels, totalling 58 acres, will remain vacant.  Located north of Oleander Ave, south of Nandina Ave, east of Day St, and west of Decker Rd.
  Case Information

PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 (tentative):  Plot Plan 180032 Majestic Freeway Business Center Specific Plan, Bldg 19, 347,000 sq ft industrial bldg on 22 acres south of Old Oleander Ave, east of Decker Rd, west of Harvill Ave, and north of Markham St.
 Case Info  Site Plan
 Specific Plan Information (SP was approved by the BOS in 2008)
 Business Center Website

Application: Plot Plan 180032  Majestic Freeway Business Center Specific Plan, Bldg 20, 406,000 sq ft industrial bldg on 18 acres south of Old Oleander Ave, east of Decker Rd, west of Harvill Ave, and north of Markham St.
 Case Info
 Specific Plan Information  (SP was approved by the BOS in 2008)
 Business Center Website

Passed by Director's Hearing November 16th:  Plot Plan 180033  Majestic Freeway Business Center Specific Plan, Bldgs 21 and 22, 115,016 sq ft (Bldg 21) and 115,276 sq ft (Bldg 22) industrial bldgs on 15 acres north of Old Oleander Ave, east of Decker Rd, west of Harvill Ave, and south of Harley Knox Blvd.
 Case Info
 Specific Plan Information (SP was approved by the BOS in 2008)
 Business Center Website 

Application:  PAR 180030  Rider Seaton Partners, LLC, GPA, Zone Change, and Surface Mining Application for mining and processing activities and export of aggregate resources on 367 acres of a 577 acre property, nort of Withers Rd, south of Cajalco St, east of Day St, and west of Patterson Ave, some of which is on land previously used for mining through 2002.  Includes aggregate processing facility, ready mix concrete batch plant, hot mix asphalt batch plant, a construction and demolition recycling center, and all support structures and buildings on 96 acres of the site.
 Case Information

Application:  PAR 180050  SDH and Associates  673,790 sq ft warehouse facility with 102 docks, 380 automobile parking spaces, and 124 trailer parking spaces on 30 acres north of Placentia Ave, south of Rider St, east of Harvill Ave, and west of Patterson Ave.
 Case Information

Application:  PAR 180041  "LDC Industrial, LLC"  208,300 sq ft industrial building with 5,000 sq ft of office space, south of Perry St, east of Seaton Ave., west of Harvill Ave., north of Martin St.
 Case Information

Application:  PAR170001 Mead Valley Area Plan - Three 80,000 sq ft industrial buildings on 16.8 acres at Harvill and Orange. Applicant: Almex USA
 Case Information

Under Construction:  Majestic Freeway Business Center Specific Plan--Various buildings north of Cajalco at Harvill.  Details on this project and the much larger Specific Plan approved by the Board of Supervisors in 2008 are available here.
 The Business Center Website is here.


Application: PAR230005 Alfa Design - Engineer/Representative: GED Builders, Inc., c/o Elias Alfata - First Supervisorial District - North Perris Zoning Area- Mead Valley Area Plan - Mead Valley Environmental Justice Community - Business Park (BP) - Location: east of Tobacco Road, south of Water Street, north of Orange Avenue, and west of Harvill Avenue - 4.54 acres - Zoning: Industrial Park (I-P) - Pre-Application Review No. 230005 proposes a new 4,800 square foot warehouse building and truck parking with full improvement and fencing. - APN: 317-270-002 - Project Planner: Blanca Bernardino at 951-955-6503 or email at [email protected] BBID: 437-056-639 Case Information Site Plan

Application: PAR230063 Michael Haddadin - Engineer: Wade Shuey - First Supervisorial District - Mead Valley Zoning District - Mead Valley Area Plan - Community Development Mixed Use Area (CD: MUA) - Location: North of Elmwood Street, East of Brown Street, South of Cajalco Road, West of Haines Street - 1.94 Net Acres - Zoning: Mixed Use Zone (MU) - REQUEST: The Pre-Application Review No. 230063 proposes a possible future convenience store, gas station pumps and canopy, and multi-tenant building with drive thru. - APN: 318-160-045 - Project Planner: Rosemary Montoya at 951-955-0897 or [email protected] - BBID: 205-431-948 Case Information Site Plan

Application: PAR230068 Thrifty Oil Company, c/o Stephane Wandel - Engineer/Representative: The Orden Company, c/o Jaime Jones, - First Supervisorial District - Mead Valley Area Plan: Rural Community: Very Low Density Residential (RC: VLDR) - Location: North of Water Avenue, South of Placentia Avenue, East of Tobacco Road, West of Harvill Avenue - 9.46 Acres - Zoning: Rural-Residential (one acre minimum) (R-R-1) - REQUEST: The Pre-Application Review proposes a 176,200 square foot tilt-up concrete warehouse, including 6,000 square feet of office space with mezzanine. Related Cases: None - APN: 317-260-017 Case Information Site Plan

Application: PAR230075 Austin Hill - Representative: T&B Planning (Tracy Zinn) - First Supervisorial District - North Perris Area Zoning District - Mead Valley Area Plan - General Plan Land Use: Rural Community: Very Low Density Residential (RC:VLDR) - Zoning: A-1-1 (Light Agriculture - One Acre Minimum Lot Size) and R-A-1 (Residential Agriculture - One Acre Minimum Lot Size) - Location: northwest of Rider Street, south of Cajalco Road, east of Day Street and west of Seaton Avenue - Approximately 10.5 acres (six lots) - REQUEST: To receive feedback regarding a potential change in the General Plan Foundation Component, Land Use and zoning for six lots from RC:VLDR, A-1-1 and R-A-1 respectively, to Community Development: Light Industrial (CD:LI) and Industrial Park (I-P), in conjunction with the construction of one, new industrial warehouse to comprise 224,800 square feet of floor area, parking facilities grading, landscaping and related infrastructure. - APNs: 317-090-014 - 018, 317-090-022 (six lots) - Project Planner: Evan Langan (Principal Planner) at 951-955-3024 or [email protected] Case Information Site Plan

Application: PAR230097 Karen Storsteen - Engineer: SDH & Associates c/o Steve Sommers - First Supervisorial District - North Perris Zoning Area - Mead Valley Area Plan - Community Development: Light Industrial (CD: LI), Rural Community - Very Low Density Residential (RC-VLDR) - Location: north of Rider Street, south of Cajalco Road, east of Seaton Avenue, and west of Patterson Avenue - approximately 8.46 acres - Zoning: Residential Agriculture, 1-acre lot minimum (R-A-1) - REQUEST: Pre-Application Review No. 230097 proposes the construction of one (1) concrete tilt-up warehouse totaling +114,628 square feet, with ancillary office, screened trash enclosures and truck courts, tune steel fencing, lighting and landscaping - APNs: 317150-060 - Project Planner: Blanca Bernardino at 951-955-6503 or email at [email protected] Case Information Site Plan

Application: PP26220S02 Gary Miller - Engineer/Representative: Pena Segio - First Supervisorial District - North Perris Zoning Area - Mead Valley Area Plan - Community Development; Light Industrial: (CD:LI) - Location: north of Placentia Street, south of Rider Street, east of I-215 and West Frontage Road, and west of Harvill Avenue - 18.56 Net Acres - Zoning: Manufacturing - Service Commercial (M-SC) - REQUEST: The Plot Plan No. 26220, Substantial Conformance 02 is a proposal to site improvements, site maintenance & striping, including the addition of vehicular/access control gates at truck entrance/exit & employee parking entrance /exit. - APN: 317-240-008, 317-240-013, 317-240-015, 317-240-046 - Related Cases: PP26220, PP26220R01, PP26220S01 - Project Planner: Joseluis Aparicio at 951-955-6035 or email at [email protected] Case Information Exhibit A

Application: PPT220050, CZ2200062, TPM38601, TPM38845 Hillwood - Engineer/Representative: Albert A. Webb Associates - First Supervisorial District - Mead Valley Area Plan: Commercial Retail (CD: CR) and Rural Community: Very Low Density Residential (RC:VLDR) - Location: south of Cajalco Road, west of Seaton Avenue, east of Decker Road, north of Rider Street - 51.1 Acres - North Perris Zoning Area - Zoning: Light Agriculture, one-acre minimum (A-1-1), Rural Residential, 1/2-acre minimum (R-R-1/2) - REQUEST: The Change of Zone is a proposal to change the zoning on the site from Light Agriculture, one-acre minimum (A-1-1), Rural Residential, 1/2-acre minimum (R-R-1/2) to Industrial Park (1-P) in the northern portion of the site where the warehouse building is proposed and to leave the existing zoning of A-1-1 in the southern portion of the site where the park is proposed. The Plot Plan is a proposal for the construction and operation of a total of 1,003,510 square foot warehouse/distribution/manufacturing development on 44.2-acres and development of a community park on 13.4 acres for a total site of 557.6 acres. the Tentative Parcel Map is a proposal for a subdivision of 50.04 acres into 3 parcels - APNs: 317-080-003, 317-080-004, 317-080-005, 317-080-006, 317-080-007, 317-080-008, 317-080-013, 317-080-014, 317-080-019, 317-080-020, 317-080-021, 317-080-022, 317-080-023, 317-080-027, 317-080-028,317-080-029, 317-090-003, 317-090-004, 317-090-005, 317-090-006, 317-090-007. Related Cases: PAR220024 - Project Planner: Russell Brady at [email protected] BBID: 386-651-503 Case Information , PPT Exhibit A Exhibit B , CZ Exhibit A

Application: PPT230019 Alexander Valencia - Engineer/Representative: Patrick Hsu - First Supervisorial District - North Perris District Zone Area - Mead Valley Area Plan - Commercial Retail (CR) - 0.91 Acres - Location: north of Cajalco Road, south of Marquez Road, east of Nacomas Court, and west of Seaton Avenue - Zoning: Scenic Highway Commercial (C-P-S) - REQUEST: Plot Plan for three (3) enclosed carports for bagged and bailed grain storage business. Carport A - (80'x25'x10') shall serve as a bagged feed storage for employees only/enclosed on the north side. Carport B - (60'x30'x16') for bagged feed storage, enclosure will be on the north and west side of structure. Carport C - (60'x30'x18') center with 30'x60'x15' will serve as storage for bulk grain with enclosure on the north side and east side. APNs: 317-050-038 Project Planner: Blanca Bernardino at 951-955-6503 or [email protected] BBID: 725-210-310 Case Information Site Plan


Application: PAR240001 Herdman Architecture + Design - First Supervisorial District - North Perris Area District - Light Industrial (CD:LI) - Zoning: M-SC Zone - Location: south side of Cajalco Road, approximately one-quarter mile west of the Cajalco Road and Harvill Avenue Intersection, just west of the City of Perris - REQUEST: The Pre-Application Review No. 240001 (PAR240001) is a proposal (project) for a new shell warehouse building totaling 181,288 square feet in area with two mezzanines located just west of the City of Perris along Cajalco Road - APNs: 317-140-051 - Project Planner: Rafael Garcia at 951-955-5719 or via email at [email protected] Case Information Site Plan

Application: PAR240008 Debbie Yocum (Richardson RV) - Engineer/Representative: Bryan Ingersoll (Adkan Engineers) - First Supervisorial District - North Perris Area - Mead Valley Area Plan - Perris City Sphere of Influence - Land Use: Community Development: Light Industrial (CD:LI) - Zoning: Manufacturing - Service Commercial (M-SC) - Location: north of Perry Street, south of Markham Street, East of Beck Street, west of Seaton Avenue - 4.2 Acres - REQUEST: Proposing to add an outside storage yard to an existing vacant land. The parcel that the space sits on is adjacent to an existing building. - APN: 314-091-006 - Project Planner: John Obing at 951-955-6573 or email at [email protected] Case Information Site Plan

Application: PPT240004 Groundswell Pacific Land, c/o Rett Coluccio - Engineer/Representative: SDH & Associates, Inc c/o Steve Sommers - First Supervisorial District - North Perris Zoning District - Mead Valley Area Plan - Environmental Justice Community - Rural Community- Very Low Density Residential (RC:VLDR) - Location: north of Rider Street, south of Cajalco Road, east of Seaton Avenue, and west of Camino Del Sol, 19.48 Gross/Net Acres - Zoning: Rural Agricultural (R-A-1) & Rural Residential (R-R-1) - REQUEST: General Plan Amendment No. 240004 proposes to amend the General Plan Land Use Designation from Rural Community-Very Low Density Residential to Community Development-Light Industrial. Change of Zone No. 240002 to change the zone from Rural-Agricultural (R-A-1) and Rural-Residential (R-R-1) to Manufacturing-Service Commercial (M-SC), and Plot Plan No. 240004 proposes an industrial warehouse complex including one (1)-380,000 square foot industrial building. - APNs: 317-090-023, 317-090-024, 317-090-033 - Project Planner: Krista Mason at 951-955-1722 or email at [email protected] Case Information Site Plan

Application: PPT240005 Yenny Ng (YNG Architects) - First Supervisorial District - North Perris Zoning Area - Mead Valley Area Plan - Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD:CR) - Location: north of Nuevo Road, southwest of A Street - 1.65 net acres - Zoning: Specific Plan No. 100, C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial ) - REQUEST: Plot Plan No. 240005 proposes one four-story Holiday Inn Hotel (48' tall, 13,251 square feet) with 88 rooms, one porte cochere (1,332 square feet), one covered patio (753 square feet), one outdoor pool (602 square feet) and 94 parking spaces - APN: 305-180-053 - Project Planner: Joseluis Aparicio at 951-955-6035 or [email protected] Case Information Site Plan

Application: TPM38761 Brenda Porchia - Representative: Rod Arsalan - First Supervisorial District - Mead Valley Zoning District - Mead Valley Area Plan - Rural Community: Very Low Density Residential (RC:VLDR) - located on the southwest corner of Pinewood Street and Day Street - 2.51 gross acres - Zoning: A-1-1 (Light Agriculture, 1-Acre Minimum) - REQUEST: Proposal for a Schedule "H" subdivision of one 2.09 acre panel into 2 residential parcels ranging from 1 net acre to 1.02 net acres - APN: 318-180-070 - Project Planner: Rosemary Montoya at 951-955-0897 or [email protected] Case Information Site Plan

Application: TPM38929 Kimley Horn - Owner: Riverside University Health System - Behavioral Health - First Supervisorial District - North Perris Zoning Area - Mead Valley Area Plan - Community Development: Business Park (CD:BP) - Location: north of Water Avenue, south of Placentia Avenue, east of Tobacco Road, and west of Harvill Avenue - 19.72 acre lot industrial lot into six separate lots - APN: 317-260-034 - Project Planner: Joseluis Aparicio at 951-955-6035 or email at [email protected] Case Information Site Plan


Temescal Valley (MAC)

Map of Approved Residential Tracts There are a number of residential tracts that have been approved in the Temescal Valley, many of which were voted for prior to Supervisor Jeffries' taking office in 2013.  We asked TLMA to put together a map showing all of the current tract maps in this area as of Spring 2018, with built out tracts marked in green, partially built tracts in yellow, and mostly unbuilt tracts in red.  Each tract is listed with the tract or specific plan number, the year it was approved, and the number of units constructed out of the total number of units approved.
 You can view the map at this link here.


Serrano - PAR220030 Adam Collier - Engineer: Jerrica Harding, AICP, T&B Planning, applicant. Proposes for the overall development of Specific Plan No. 353. The PAR request includes changing PA1 from the Commerical Retial (CR) land use to Light Industrial (LI) land use, re-naming and reconfiguirng Planning Areas. Development of these Planning Areas will be for Light Industrial and Open Space uses. A total of eleven (11) buildings are proposed and will range in size from 85,000 sq/ft to 1,152,000 sq/ft for a total sq/ft of 16,582,353 sq/ft. Location East of Highway 15, West of Temescal Hills Drive/Park Canyon Drive, South of Park Canyon Drive, and North of Temescal Canyon Road on 489.46 gross acres. Case Info Site Plan

Renaissance Ranch - Application: SP 333 Amendment 1, GPA 200004, CZ 2000016, Richland Ventures, Inc. Proposes to amend existing Specific Plan by redesignating land use from medium density residential to light industrial, business park, and open space. Total proposed building area is 2,509,057 sq ft, and would be called the "Renaissance Ranch Commerce Center"  Newest Submittal Info Comments to EIR Draft  Original Submittal Info  Proposal Summary and Maps

Application: PAR 220100, OThomas Shollin (signal Hill Petroleum, Inc.) Engineer/Representative: tammie Moreno (Kimley Horn), applicant. Proposes for a Shcedule "J"  Tentative Map to subdivide four legal lots comprsising 225.6 acres into six lots for eventual development as the "South Corona Business Park. Location: North of Dawson Canyon Road, south of Cajalco Road, east of Temescal Canyon Road and west of Dawson Canyon Road on 225.6 gross acres. Case Info Site Plan

Application: PAR 220056, Omni Development Group c/o Richard Hoy - Engineer/Representative: Kimley - Horn c/o Leticia Alvarez, applicant. Proposes for a commercial center consisting of the following: Parcel 1 would include a truck stop and a convience store building with a 5,000 sq/ft food court, a 1,300 sq/ft lounge, and a 6,200sq/ft convenience store. Additionally a gas station with 7 diesel bays and an 8 multiple product dispenser (MPD) canopy. Parcel 2 proposes to include a 4,300 sq/ft drive through quick service restaurant (QSR)/ Location: East of Pats Drive, West of Interstate - 15, North of Lawson Road on 11.15 gross acres. Case Info Site plan

Application: Plot Plan No. 220046, Regan Paving Company, c/o Casey Regan - Representative: Randall Jepson, applicant. Proposes to allow for the use of a temporary modular building (to operate as an office space) and later construct a 12,025 square foot building for office space, workshop, and storage of materials. No outdoor storage indicated. The temporary modular building to have ADA accessibility ramps and ADA compliant restroom. Location: east of Interstate 15 Freeway and West of Temescal Canyon Rd. Case Info Site Plan

Application: TPM 38418, Jason Keller JBJ Ranch, applicant. Proposes a schedule "J" subdivision of 1 parcel totaling 160 acres into 7 parcels ranging from 49.2 to 9.3 acres. Location: North of Bosley Lane, South of Hidden Creek, and East of Echo Canyon on 160 gross acres. Case Info

Application: PAR 210153, Capitis Real Estate, applicant.  Proposes demolishing portion of The Retreat golf course and adding a new subdivision of 268 dwelling units, open spaces, greenbelt areas, water features, landscaping, and road connections with existing streets within the Retreat. 229 Acres north of Rolling Hills Drive, south of Bedford Motorway, east of Lady Banks Loop, and west of Forest Boundary Rd.  Case Info  Site Plan/Presentation

Application: SP 327 Amendment 2, GPA 210005, CZ 2100013, TTM 38050, TTM 38051,  Forestar Toscana Development Company, applicant.  Makes a number of revisions to Terramor's Specific Plan, changing densities and unit counts.  Case Info  Summary of Changes

Application: CUP 210014 Community Veterans of Rivco c/o Daniel Wise, applicants.  Proposes "The Cake House", a 3,105 sq ft cannabis retail storefront facility in an existing 16,000 sq ft blding north of Dawson Canyon Dr., east of 15 Fwy, and west of Temescal Canyon Rd.  This would be located in the same business complex (but different building) as the previously approved "River Releaf" cannabis micro-business.  Case Info  Business Plan  Site Plan

PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING SEPTEMBER 22ND, 2021 (Tentative):  CZ 2000001 Tom's Farms Electronic Sign Proposal.  Would establish zoning locations, development and operation standards, and a permitting process to allow for onsite electronic signage to provide information about onsite associated businesses only.  This is a preliminary step to an actual application for a sign, and does not include a plot plan.  Case Information

Application: CUP 200048  Kok Development, applicant  Proposes development of one new 16,130 sq ft structure for commercial uses at Tom's Farms, including a coffee shop and bakery with drive through, other retail, and office suites,  on a site with an existing restaurant with parking and a park and ride lot. Case Info  Site Elevations

Application: PAR 210021 John Kennelly, applicant.  Proposes construction of a 3,500 sq ft pool plumbing business, including a storage building that will hold offices and restrooms.  Located on 1.75 acres north of Leroy Rd, east of Temescal Canyon Rd, and south of Foster Rd.  Case Info

Application:  PP 190019, Applicant: Peter Rasinski, So Cal Sandbags, Inc.  Proposes the development of a contractor's storage yard and sandbag manufacturing facility, including two 1,440 sq ft modular office buildings, two 2,400 sq ft maintenance sheds, two 500 gallon diesel fuel tanks, and a gravel parking lot with 75 standard parking stalls and outdoor storage for contruction vehicles, equipment, and building materials.  Located east of Horsethief Canyon Rd, north of I-15 Fwy, and west of the City of Lake Elsinore  Case Info  Project Description 

Application: SP 333 Amendment 1, GPA 200004, CZ 2000016, Richland Ventures, Inc. Proposes to amend existing Specific Plan by redesignating land use from medium density residential to light industrial, business park, and open space. Total proposed building area is 2,509,057 sq ft, and would be called the "Renaissance Ranch Commerce Center"  Submittal Info  Proposal Summary and Maps

Application:  GPA 200007 CZ 200028 CUP 200044 Dawson Canyon, LLC, Applicant.  Proposal to develop a "last mile delivery station" consisting of a 183,456 sq ft building with 90 parking spaces for utility tractor rigs and vans, 15 truck trailer loading dock spaces, 13 truck trailer parking spaces, 921 spaces for van parking and maintenance, 216 spaces for employees, 65 parking spaces for manager/guests/customer pick up, and an additional 90 spaces for vans.  24/7 operations supporting delivery of packages to customer locations from 10am to 9pm.  Long haul trucks will deliver packages to facility between 10pm and 8am. Facility located on 46 acres on southeast corner of Temescal Canyon Rd and Dawson Canyon Rd intersection, east of Interstate 15.  Much more information on project here:  Case Information

Application Withdrawn:  CUP 200033, PCH Campus LLC, applicants.  Proposes a cannabis manufacturing and distribution facility in an existing 61,887 sq ft, 2 story industrial bldg, occupying approximately 40,000 sq ft of the building and utilizing 76 parking spaces, in the Wildrose Specific Plan, east of Stellar Ct and west of Temescal Canyon Rd.  Case Information

Passed BOS Hearing August 4th:  CZ 1800010 TTM 37155 Wayne and Nancy Kiley, applicants.  Subdivision of 53.7 acres into 85 single family lots and 6 open space lots for detention basins, 3.55 acre park area, and 1347 sq ft passive park southerly of Kingbird Dr, easterrly of Towhee Lane and west of Indian Truck Trail.  Zone change would go from R-R to R-4.  Case Information

Application:  PAR 200026 Bryan Vansell, applicant.  Proposal would divide 28.8 acres into four lots, 1) A single family residential site, 2) Community Care facility, 3) Commercial office for medical services, 4) Commercial retail on Temescal Canyon Rd.  Project is located north and east of Lawson Rd, and west of Temescal Canyon Rd.  Case Information

Application:  CUP 200011 Benjamin Day, Applicant.  241,244 sq ft residential care facility for the elderly, consisting of a 26,726 sq ft single story building for memory care and supporting services, and a 214,518 sq ft to story building designated for independent living and assisted living with supporting services.  10 acre site is located west of Temescal Canyon Rd, south of Trilogy Parkway, north of Glen Ivy Rd, and east of Warm Springs Dr.  Case Information

Application:  PP 26290 Revision 1:  Applicant Thomas Chavez.  "Speedway Development" project.  Would modify the Phase 1a portion of previously approved plot plan to include 6 buildings totalling 32, 986 sq ft instead of 3 buildings totaling 40,739 sq ft..  New buildings would be two fast food restaurants (bldgs 4 and 5), restaurant (bldg 6), office/retail (bldg 7), day care center (bldg 8), and a tire store (bldg 9).  Located on 26.6 gross acres northwest of Indian Truck Trail, southwest of Temescal Canyon Rd, and northeast of I-15.  Case Information

Application:  PAR 200007 (TR 31818)  Mission Pacific Land Company, Inc.  Proposed modifications to previously approved Tract Map for "JBJ Ranch", including alternative secondary access point through Bosley Lane to Crilly Road to Glen Eden Road.  Also reviews park plan incorporating the site's natural features and increasing use of trails.  No increase or decrease in total residential lots (322).  Case Information

Application:  PAR 200004  KWC Engineers, applicant.  Proposal for a 2695 sq ft convenience store, 2,462 sq ft fast food restaurant, and a gas station on 2.85 acres northeast of Knabe Rd, south of Weirick Rd, and West of I-15.  Case Information 

Application:  CUP 03481 Tom's Farms Expansion Project.  A phased expansion of the existing Tom's Farms facility to include an 8,559 sq ft banquet bldg, 1,800 sq ft multi-purpose facility, 81,573 sq ft retail/commercial bldgs, 6,790 sq ft bakery with drive-thru, 12,844 sq ft greenhouse, 6,850 sq ft barn, 4,400 sq ft amusement park bldg, and a 8,198 sq ft water park.  Proposal includes 753 parking spaces and events being held throughout the year.  Tom's Farms is located on the east side of Temescal Canyon Rd, north of Squaw Mtn Rd.  Case Information

PASSED BOS HEARING 5-0 ON 3-2-21:  CUP 190053 and DA 1900044  River ReLeaf, applicant.  Proposed cannabis micro-business within an existing 8,582 sq ft two story commercial building north of Ben Garrett Rd, south of Dawson Canyon Rd, east of I-15, and west of Temescal Canyon Rd.  Case Information  Presentation Given to Community August 27th, 2020

Application:  Revision to Surface Mine Permit 133, Variance 190005  RJ Noble Company, applicant.  Revision to an existing surface mine permit and reclamation plan includes 1) conversion of existing old asphalt plant to cold mix asphalt plant, 2) increase new hot mix asphalt plant production from 600,000 tons to maximum of 1.2 million tons per year, 3) permit an existing pre-manufactured office building, and 4) change permitted feed silos to feed bunkers on the mining plan, 5) Revise cut slope configuration on mine and reclamation plans to reflect as-built conditions, and 6) Importation of clean/inert soil.  Variance would allow 24 hour operations and reduce the setback for the asphalt plant from the west-adjacent property.  33.5 acres southerly of Temescal Canyon Rd, easterly of Cobb Drive, and westerly of Maitri Rd.  Case Information

Application:  SP 398, GPA 1185, CZ 1800004--Glen Ivy Hot Springs Resort Expansion.  Specific Plan creates 17 planning areas allowing for a mixture of 255 short-term and long-term residential units, a 165-room boutique hotel, new commercial uses including dining, spas, pools, fitness studios, meeting rooms, and open space on 82.5 acres.
 Case Information

Application: PAR #180036 7 Oaks--Gas station, car wash, convenience store, and two drive through restaurants on 20.24 acres on the southwest corner of Temescal Canyon Road and Dos Lagos Drive.
 Case Information

PASSED BOS HEARING SEPTEMBER 15TH, 2020:  Specific Plan No. 152, Amendment No. 5, Tentative Tract Map No. 37002, and Tentative Tract Map No. 32984--Horsethief Canyon Ranch.   Easterly of Glen Eden Road, westerly of Horsethief Canyon Road, southerly of De Palma Road, and northerly of Broken Bit Circle, amends a previous specific plan and tract map to build 239 homes on 45.27 acres, and removes a previously conditioned park from the plan.  Presented to TV MAC April 2018.   Case Information

Application:  Robertson's/Hubb's Quarry (south of Cajalco Rd, east of Dos Lagos Golf Course) Substantial Conformance Application RCL 118S3.  Objectives of this Application are 1) Installation and primary usage of reclaimed water on site, 2) Removal of most of the stationary equipment in the current pit area, 3) Installation of a load leveler rack at the base of the access road, 4) Include reclamation plan standards and detail for the entire site, which will include removal of paved access road and ensuring reclamation of all areas damaged by mining.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION:  7 acre Self-Storage with RV storage on Temescal Canyon Rd between Lake St and Hostetler:
 Ranch Self Storage (PP 26403 & Variance 1908)

Application:  Specific Plan 387, GPA 1030, "Lakeside" by Summit Land Partners seeks a master plan of 537 acres featuring residential, conservation, and open space with a maximum of 410 dwelling units surrounding Lee Lake, along the east side of Temescal Canyon Road. Currently working on significant environmental challenges with various habitat agencies.
 Case Information

Application:  Olsen Canyon Mine is a proposed aggregate/rock quarry on 422 acres east of the Temescal Canyon Wash, north of Dawson Canyon Road, and west of El Sobrante Landfill.  Currently working through significant environmental challenges with the various habitat agencies. Case Information

Approved 4-1 (Jeffries Voted No): June 5th, 2018 Board of Supervisors Hearingon GPA01203, CZ07913, TR37153, PP26209, aka "Temescal Village" condominium project, located along Temescal Canyon Rd at Campbell Ranch Rd.
 Link to Agenda Item


Warm Springs (CAC)

Application: CUP 220016: Western States Engineering and Construction c/o JosephKaraki - Engineer/Representative: Trip Hord Associates, applicant. Proposes in Tentative Parcal Map No. 38454 to subdivide 4.79 gross acres into two commericail parcels; Parcel 1 for a self-storage/RV facility and Parcel 2 for canabis retailer storefront.Applicant also proposes a Change of Zone No. 2200022 or a zone change from I-P to M-SC zone for Parcel 1 (self-storage/RV facility) to allow for outside RV storage. Applicant also proposes for Plot Plan No. 20158, Revision No. 2 to remove the office buildings A, C, and D for the previously entitled self-storage facility and to use a portion of the area for outside RV storage. Finally applicant proposes for CUP 220016 to use the area, formerly for the self-storage office and buildingA, to entitle a cannabis retailer storefront suite and separate retail tenant suite. The proposed cannabis retailer storefront would be 3,974 sq/ft and include an interactive educational area, cannabis retail dispensary area, security, vault, employee area, offices, restrooms, display access, storage, and disposal/drop-off area. The retail tenant space would be 1,054 sq/ft with a restroom and storage. No cannabis retailer storefront can be permitted in this suite. Location: Northeast corner of Highway 74 & Conrad Avenue, South of 8th Street, and West of Chris Circle on 4.79 net acres. Case Info Site Plan

Application: CUP 220014: Nectar Markets of California, C/O Sean Maddocks - Engineer/Representative: Green Consulting Partners, LLC. applicant. Proposes a commercial cananbis retail storefront in an existing 2,500 sq/ft building on-site. Proposal includes exterior and interior building refurbishments and on-site improbements, including; landscaping. Location: North of Highway 74, east of Conard Avenue, and South of 8th Street on 0.86 gross acres. Case Info Site Plan

Application: CEQ 200087: Western State c/o Florention Mendoza, applicant. Proposal for the development of a 3,516 sq ft conveince store with self-service gasoline sales which includes a 3,610 canopy with six (6) pumps. A total of 20 parking stalls are proposed for the site (including 2 ada, and 2 electric vehicle stalls) not including 12 stalls provided under the canopy for the fueling vehicles. Two (2) monument signs are also proposed. Located on 1.44 acres south of Rosetta Canyon Drive, Northeast of Ardenwood Way and West of Highway 74/central Avenue. Case Info Site Plan and Proposed designs

Application:  PP 210016 (Second Submittal--formerly CUP 200043)) Western States c/o Emer Maulion, applicant.  Proposal for a 3,516 sq ft convenience store with self-service gasoline sales (six pumps under a 3,160 sq ft canopy),  21 parking stalls, and two monument signs on 1.44 acres west of Hwy 74/Central Ave, northeast of Ardenwood Way, and south of Rosetta Canyon Drive.  Case Information  Site Plan

Application:  CZ 2000009 CUP 200006  (Second Submittal) Karaki-Western States, applicant.  Small retail center with three buildings: a 4,050 sq ft convenience market with 1,440 sq ft of second floor mezzanine storage area, a 1,510 sq ft drive through restaurant with a 2,015 sq ft retail tenant, and a 4,425 sq ft multi-tenant retail building with a 1,400 sq ft second floor office space, and 62 parking spaces on a 2.57 acre lot north of Conard Ave, south of Ardenwood Way, east of 8th Street, and west of Hwy 74/Central Ave.  Zone change would go from C-P-S to Industrial Park (I-P).  Case Information  Site Plan

Application:  PAR 200003 Empire Design Group, Inc., applicant.  Proposal for gas station with 3,922 sq ft convenience store, 4,089 sq ft canopy with 6 "multi-product dispensers", and a 1,000 sq ft car wash with 6 vacuum stalls, on 2.13 acres north of Wasson Cyn Rd, east of Peach St, west of Elm St, and south of Hwy 74.  Case Information

Application:  PP 190027  JJJ Hwy 74 LLC, Industrial park complex proposal with four industrial buildings, consisting of Bldg 1 (16,986 sq ft, with five warehouse suites), Bldg 2 (22,461 sq ft with six warehouse suites), Bldg 3 (20,394 sq ft with six warehouse suites), and Bldg 4 (5,512 sq ft with two warehouse suites, plus two offices and restrooms), plus 86 parking spaces on 4.31 acres north of Hwy 74, west of Crater Drive, east of El Toro Rd Cutoff, and south of Mermack Ave.   Case Information

Application::  PAR 190028 Helix Electric wishes to add a 137,500 sq ft industrial building on 14 acres to its existing business nort of Hwy 74, south of Nichols Rd, east of Haygood Way, and west of El Toro Cutoff and Mermack Ave.
 Case Information 

Passed BOS Hearing 1-26-21:  CUP 190006 America's Tire Co. 8,192 sq ft store and garage on 2.4 acres north of Cambern Ave, south of Conrad Ave, east of 10th St, and west of Hwy 74.
 Case Information

Application:  PP25342 Meadowbrook Zoning Area - 4.3 acre contractor's storage yard, SW corner of Nichols Rd and Crater Drive and Applicant: Louis Madden
 Case Information

Woodcrest (MAC)

Map of Approved Residential Tracts:  There are a number of residential tracts that have been approved in the Woodcrest area, the overwhelming majority of which were voted for prior to Supervisor Jeffries' taking office in 2013.  We asked TLMA to put together a map showing all of the current tract maps in this area as of Spring 2018, with built out tracts marked in green, partially built tracts in yellow, and mostly unbuilt tracts in red.  Each tract is listed with the tract or specific plan number, the year it was approved, and the number of units constructed out of the total number of units approved.
 You can view the map at this link here.

Application: TPM 38482: Veterams Pasos 2, Inc - Representative: Socal Professional Engineers Inc. c/o Farah Khaled, applicant. Proposes to allow a Schedule "H" subdivision of a 5 acre parcel into 4, approcimaely one (1) acre parcels and one (1) remainder parcel. Location: south of Summit Crest Drive betweeen East of Capella Street and East of Rancho Viejo Drive on 5 acres. Case Info  Site Plan

Application: PUP 759, revision 3. Sakyamuni Buddhist Meditation Association. Would incorporate a parking area into the existing facility, on 4.5 acres north of Winters Ln, west of Luna Ct, south of Via Juaneno.  Case Info   Site Plan

Application: TTM 37686, GPA 190018, CZ 1900049 New Tech, Inc, Applicant.  Proposes subdivision of 2.26 acres into 10 single family residential lots from 7,284 sq ft to 10,404 sq ft north of Victoria Ave, east of Lyon Ave, south of Middleborough Rd, west of Wildcat Lane.  Case Info  Site Plan

Application: PAR 210018 Lawrence Canale, applicant.  Proposal would redevelop an existing 9.6 acre, partially developed property (including removing an existing 7-11, but leaving the Farmery Boy and the Bank) to include a market, retail shops, and two drive thru restaurants.  Site is on the north west corner of Van Buren Blvd and Washington St.  Case Info  Site Plan

Application: PP 210010 ATC Design Group, Applicant. Proposes construction of a new 3,000 sq ft restaurant building (The Habit) with a drive thru service located on .91 acres on the north side of Van Buren Blvd, south of Dauchy Ave. Case Information  Site Plan  Elevations

Application: GPA 1192, CZ 1800013, TPM 37585, CUP 180012 (4th Submittal) Applicant Christian and RuAnne Singletary.  Proposes a shopping center with the following: Bldg 1) 7,500 sq ft retail building, Bldg 2) 3,062 sq ft convenience store, including beer and wine sales and 12 fueling positions under a canopy, Bldg 3) 1,948 sq ft drive thru restaurant, Bldg 4) 4,375 sq ft drive thru carwash, with 92 parking spaces, landscaped basin, and a multi-use trail easement coming down from residential properties above.  9.8 total acres (4.8 acres disturbed).  Located north of Mockingbird Canyon Rd, northeast of Van Buren Blvd, southwest of Old Grove Rd, and south of Firethorn Ave.  Case Information  Site Plan

Application:  PAR 200047, Andy Bodewin, applicant.  Would revise previously approved Tentative Tract Maps 36639 and 31842 to cluster the 104 approved lots into 40 acres, and leave the remaining 113 acres as open space (including "table top" or "flat top" hill), reducing lot sizes from 1 acre minimum lots (and larger) into an average lot size of 16,900sf.  Located north of Nandina Ave, south of Mariposa Ave, esat of Washington St, and west of Porter Ave. Case Information

Application:  PAR 200042, Applicant: Phuong Mai Nguyen.  Proposes "Divine Mercy Retreat Center", consisting of a visitor center, gift shop, ritual purification hall, lodge/dormitory, dining facility, five multi-purpose gathering halls, chapel, three covered patios, and a large landscaped area on 45 acres north of Cajalco Rd, south of Scottsdale Rd, and east of Wyler Rd.  Case Information

Passed at Board of Supervisors Hearing October 6th:  GPA 1200 CZ 1700003 CUP 170002  Applicant: Irene Frakes   Proposes contractors storage yard with a two story garage and storage facility totaling 4,441 sq ft on 2 acres north of Krameria Ave, east of Porter Ave, south of Van Buren Ave, and west of Gardner Ave.  GPA changes land use from RC:VLDR to Community Development,: Light Industrial (CD:LI).  Zone change would go from R-A to Scenic Highway Commercial.  Case Information

Application:  PAR 200001 Applicant: William Shuman.  Proposes two drive-through restaurants with parking lots on 1.48 acres south of Van Buren Blvd, west of Washington St, north of Krameria Ave, and east of King Ave.  Case Information

Application:  TTM 37665 (2nd Submittal)  Dedicated Development, applicant.  "Schedule B" subdivision, within Specific Plan #264, of 48 acres of land into 36 lots, plus one remaining lot.  Lots would range from 1 acre to 2.87 acres in size, with the remaining lot consisting of drainage easements, gravity retaining wall, crib wall, and a concrete channel.  Case Information   Site Plan

Application:  GPA 190003, CZ 1900006, and TTM 37594  Applicant:  Thierry Nguyen  Subdivision of 3.57 acres into five residential lots ranging from 33,254 sq ft to 29,190 sq ft requires GPA from RC:VLDR to RC:LDR and CZ from A-1-1 to R-1-20,000.  Located north of Nandina Ave, south of Dallas Ave, east of Parsons Rd, and west of Venora Way.
 Case Information

PASSED PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING ON OCTOBER 6, 2021 COMING TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SOON:  CUP 190021--AM/PM Gas Station with canopy for 10 pump stations (20 pump positions), 3,800 sq ft convenience store, attached drive-thru carwash, and attached 1,200 sq ft retail tenant suite on 2.8 acres North of Van Buren Blvd, south of Iris Ave, east of Chicago Ave, and west of Little Court.
 Case Information
 Aerial Location Map

Application:   PP180002 Woodcrest - Drive through restaurant north of Van Buren, east of Gamble, and west of Chicago:  Applicant: Caputo Trust
 Case Information

Application:   PAR 180020 Lake Mathews/Woodcrest Area Plan--Self storage and enclosed RV storage on 4 acres north of Mockingbird Canyon, south of Van Buren, between Laurel Drive and Regency Ranch Rd - Lake Mathews Zoning District - Applicant: Robillard Consulting Company.
 Case Information

Final Permits Issued:  Toy Locker, Plot Plan #26198, 12.8 acres southerly of Krameria Ave between Washington St and King Ave.  Would renovate existing building on site to an indoor/outdoor RV and boat storage facility.
 Case Information