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Boards & Commissions

Municipal Advisory Councils (MAC)

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Current MAC & Board Openings (As of March 2024)

Assessment Appeals Board No. 3 - One (1) Alternate Member

Behavioral Health Commission - One (1) Public Interest 

Community Action Commission - One (1) Alternate Member 

Community Facilities District - One (1) Member 

First 5 Children & Families Advisory Committee - One (1) Member 

Good Hope Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) - Two (2) Alternate Members 

Highgrove Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) - One (1) Alternate Member 

In Home Support Services (IHSS) - One (1) Consumer of IHSS Services

Solid Waste - One (1) Alternative Representative

Advisory Committee on Substance

Abuse Purpose: To provide information and advice to the Board of Supervisors regarding the prevention treatment and recovery programs of the department.

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Advisory Council on Aging

Purpose: To study, review, evaluate and make recommendations regarding any and all matters which affect older persons including: health, education, housing, employment, recreation, transportation; identify unmet needs, and public and private county services.

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Assessment Appeals Board No. 2

Purpose: To find the full cash value of a property under appeal; lower upon application, or to increase after giving notice, individual assessment on the local roll; to review, equalize, and adjust penalty and escape assessments on the local roll; to direct the Assessor of necessary changes.

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Behavioral Health Commission (BHC)

The Riverside County Behavioral Health Commission (BHC) is an advisory body, composed of volunteers appointed by the Board of Supervisors, who work in conjunction with the Riverside County Department of Mental Health to ensure citizen and professional input and involvement in all aspects of Department Services. BHC members serve for a three-year term and are governed by the California Welfare and Institution Code §5604 and the Ralph M. Brown Act.

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Children & Families Advisory Committee

Provide essential geographic input and ensure issues unique to these areas of the County are elevated to the Commission’s attention.
Conduct forums for community input to the Strategic Plan and share with the public data illustrating gaps in service.
Provide ongoing information on the activities of the Commission to the citizens in their Supervisorial District.
Provide guidance to the Commission on expenditures and programs as gleaned from their outreach efforts and knowledge of the district they represent.
Serve as monitors for programs funded, evaluating and reporting back to the Commission on efficiency and effectiveness.
Participate in the development of the Riverside County Children and Families Strategic Plan.

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Children and Families Commission

Purpose: To create and implement a comprehensive, collaborative, and integrated system of information and services to promote, support, and optimize early childhood development from the prenatal stage to five years of age. To ensure that the early childhood development programs and services are universally and continually available for children until the beginning of kindergarten. To emphasize local decision making, to provide for greater local flexibility in designing delivery systems, and to eliminate duplicate administrative services.

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County Archives Commission

Purpose: to advise and make recommendations to the Riverside County Board of Supervisors concerning the development of the County Archives, and preservation of County historical records, documents and objects.

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El Sobrante Landfill Citizen Oversight Committee

Purpose: The oversight committee was formed to study and advise the Board of Supervisors on matters pertaining to the study, review and evaluation of the “Annual Status Report” submitted by the Administrative Review Committee for USA Waste.

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Emergency Medical Care Committee (EMCC)

Purpose: To serve in an advisory capacity for the Board of Supervisors concerning all aspects of emergency medical care within the County of Riverside. Report its observations and recommendations concerning the feasibility and content of emergency medical care programs within the county, other counties, the state and the United States.

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Fair Board (National Date Festival)

Purpose: To counsel and advise the Board of Supervisors as to administrative and policy matters in connection with the Riverside County’s National Date Festival.

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Historical Commission

Purpose: The Historical Commission is responsible for broad purposes relating to their advisory function to the County Board of Supervisors on matters pertaining to the study of local history and documentation and preservation of historic records, sites and structures.

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In-Home Supportive Services

Purpose: AB 1682 (Chapter 90, Statutes of 1999) requires counties to establish advisory committees to:
Recommend to counties a preferred mode of service relative to administration and delivery of in-home supportive services (IHSS)
Recommend and employer-of-record for collective bargaining purposes;
PProvide ongoing advice and recommendations regarding IHSS to your Honorable Board, or any other entity-delegated responsibility by the Board for delivery and administration of IHSS.

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Mental Health Board

Purpose: The Riverside County Mental Health Board (MHB) is an advisory body, composed of volunteers appointed by the Board of Supervisors, who work in conjunction with the Riverside County Department of Mental Health to ensure citizen and professional input and involvement in all aspects of Department Services.

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Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Commission

Purpose: To advise and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors concerning (1) the identification of several candidate sites for off-highway vehicle parks, (2) input on related site acquisition issues, (3) the extent and range of use for candidate sites, and (4) the provision of advice to County staff and decision makers regarding public outreach for educational and informational purposes.

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Planning Commission

Purpose: The Commission shall perform planning and zoning duties specified by law or ordinance not expressly delegated or reserved to another body or officer including proceedings for adopting or amending general and specific plans, changes of zone, changes of the zoning ordinance, and review of subdivision and parcel maps, and shall advise the Board of Supervisors in related matters.

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Riverside County Regional Park And Open-Space District Advisory Commission

Purpose: The purpose of the Park Advisory Commission is to advise and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors/Directors on the planning, acquisition, development and use of parks and the comprehensive regional park and open-space system for the County of Riverside, matters relating to the conservation and propagation of fish and game in the County; and acquisition, development, maintenance and promotion of regional recreation trails.

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Riverside County Trails Committee

Purpose: It shall be the duty of the Committee to advise and make recommendations to the District Advisory Commission concerning the acquisition, maintenance and promotion of equestrian, biking and hiking recreational trails in Riverside County.

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Veterans Advisory Committee

Purpose: Keep the Board of Supervisors informed of all problems affecting veterans and advising the Board of appropriate action to resolve such problems.

Help unify different veterans groups in the overall interest of all veterans of Riverside County
Serve as the basic support group for the National Cemetery – Riverside
Assist in the orderly return of the veterans to civilian life by protecting his rights while he is in uniform
Advise and assist the County Veterans Service Officer in the rehabilitation of veterans through existing employment services, education, insurance, housing and hospitalization programs and other veterans benefits
Act as the liaisons between veterans and the county government in conjunction with the Veterans Service Officer
Keep the public aware of the problems and needs of the veterans who fought or served to preserve our way of life

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Workforce Investment Board

Purpose: The Workforce Investment Board shall have the following responsibilities:
Provide policy guidance in the development of the five-year local workforce investment plan(Local Plan) and provide oversight on the One-Stop system, youth activities and employment and training activities under Title I of WIA, in partnership with the chief elected official
Select One-Stop operators with the agreement of the chief elected official
Develop a budget for the purpose of carrying out the duties of the WIB, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors
In cooperation with the Board of Supervisors, appoint a youth council as a subgroup of the WIB and coordinate workforce and youth plans and activities with the youth council
Select eligible youth service providers based on the recommendations of the Youth Council, and identify eligible providers of adult and dislocated worker intensive services and training services , and maintain a list of eligible providers with performance and cost information, as required in 20 CFR part 663, subpart E
Negotiate and reach agreement on local performance measures with the Board of Supervisors and the Governor
Assist the Governor in developing the statewide employment statistics system under the Wagner-Peyser Act;
Coordinate workforce investment activities with economic development strategies and developing business linkages; and
Promote private sector involvement in the statewide workforce investment system through effective connecting, brokering, and coaching activities through intermediaries such as the One-Stop operator in the local area or through other organizations, to assist businesses in meeting hiring needs
Serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors on all matters relating to employment and Training not covered by Title I of the Workforce Investment Act

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