About Community Improvement Designations (CID)
The Community Improvement Designations aim to enhance the Riverside community by improving the living conditions for current residents and stimulating new growth. This is achieved through various means such as educational and recreational projects, arts and cultural programs, environmental awareness initiatives, economic development endeavors, and other projects that contribute to the community's welfare and elevate the quality of life in the region. Any public or private community group or non-profit organization operating within or serving the County of Riverside is eligible to seek CID funding.
The applicant acknowledges and agrees to the following:
• CID applications are classified as a public record, and may be subject to requests for copies by the media, the public or any other interested parties.
• Every CID application is considered individually and on its own merit.
• Preference will be given to organizations and activities that directly benefit the residents of the First District.
• The First District does not sponsor dinners, dances, banquets, galas, golf tournaments or similar events.
• Funding is not immediately available to the recipient; please allow 8 weeks for processing from date of submission.
• The awarding of CID funds does not constitute an automatic annual allocation.
• CID recipients are not permitted to use Supervisor Jeffries’ name or likeness in promotion of their events or activities unless otherwise specifically authorized by this office (e.g. if he is speaking at the event and needs to be listed on the agenda).
• CID funds must be spent as specified on the application and records may be requested by the Board of Supervisors or their designee to ensure the funds were used appropriately.
• CID grants will not be awarded or announced within the 60 days before an election in which the awarding Supervisor is on the ballot.
• The recipient shall provide a full accounting with documentation on the use of awarded funds. All awards require a report back on how the money was spent within 60 days of the utilization of the funds. If the award is not entirely spent in the fiscal year it was awarded and over $5,000, a report shall be submitted annually until the funds have been exhausted. The recipient shall return to the county any funds not spent or documented per the signed agreement.